本帖最后由 arahatta 于 2016-1-15 21:30 编辑
After years of debate on the issue, a new proposed law on animal welfare suggests the outlawing of sexual encounters with animals in Sweden, a practice previously decriminalized in 1944. 在多年的争论后,瑞典政府在新的动物福利法中将兽交定为非法行为,在此之前,瑞典在1944年认定此为合法行为。 ”We know that there is a great risk of the animals being used this way are harmed by it,” said Eva Eriksson, County Governor of Värmland, who has been working on the new animal welfare law since 2009, at a press conference. “我们都知道,如果动物被拿来作此用途,将很有可能受到伤害”,韦姆兰省省长爱娃.埃里克森说,她从2009年开始就一直在新的动物福利法的起草委员会中工作。 According to Eriksson, the topic has been up for discussion over a longer period of time and she feels that "major societal changes" warrant a clear prohibition against sex with animals. 据埃里克森说,这个议题已经被提上议程很久了,她感觉到“主流社会的变化”为禁止兽交提供了保障。 ”Today it is very easy, on the internet and other places, to encounter animals for sexual intercourse and there are also many more reports of this happening,” said Eriksson. “今天你很容易就能在互联网和其它地方看到动物被用于性方面的用途,还有许多关于这些事情的报道。”埃里克森说。 She also clarified that this should not be confused with cruelty to animals, where people mutilate the sexual organs of livestock and to counter which there is already legislation in place. 她也明确了这样一点,兽交不应该与切掉家畜性器官这样的的已知违法行为混为一谈, The new law, Eriksson underlined, would solely encompass the sexual abuse of animals for the perpetrator's own pleasure. 新的法律,埃里克森解释道,完全是围绕着那些在性方面滥用动物以愉悦自己的罪犯而展开的。 ”This is about people who enter stables and perform sexual actions on horses or cows, which is not natural behaviour for the animal and isn't ethically justifiable,” Eriksson said. “这部法律是为那些进入马棚与马或者奶牛发生性行为的家伙准备的,这种行为既是违反动物天性的,又是违反伦常的”,埃里克森说。 However, Eriksson added that the sexual stimulation of animals in the context of breeding or as part of veterinary medicine procedures is exempt from the law. 但是,埃里克森补充道,兽医为了动物培育或者治疗所需而进行的性刺激不违反此法。 A new animal welfare law has long been on the cards in Sweden, with the old legislation dating back to 1988. 新的动物福利法已经被提上瑞典政府的议事日程上很久了,上一部的推出还要追溯到1988年。 The ambition with the new proposal is to safeguard society's respect for animals and that the animal welfare law should counteract animal welfare problems, Eriksson said in her presentation. 新提议的目标在于保证社会对动物的尊重,而动物福利法应该解决动物的福利问题,埃里克森在介绍中说。 Eriksson, County Governor since 2004, has been reviewing the existing laws for the past two years, on the behest of the government. 埃里克森从2004年开始担任韦姆兰省省长,在过去的两年中,她在政府的授意下检查了现存法律。 Other proposed changes in legislation will mean stricter rules on breeding and harsher punishment against those that break the law. 立法方面的其它计划变更包括在生育方面制订更加严格的法律,以及对违法者给予更严厉的处罚。 Eriksson also argued for the registration of all cats, stricter rules on which exotic animals can be kept as pets, and the banning of large animals like sea lions and elephants in circus performances. 埃里克森也在努力实现猫的注册制度,在外国动物作为宠物饲养的问题上制订更严格的法规,以及禁止海狮和大象之类的大型动物在马戏团表演。