本帖最后由 dominus 于 2014-2-9 20:53 编辑
Can. 382 — § 1. Episcopus promotus in exercitium officii sibi commissi sese ingerere nequit, ante captam dioecesis canonicam possessionem; exercere tamen valet officia, quae in eadem dioecesi tempore promotionis iam retinebat, firmo praescripto can. 409, § 2. § 2. Nisi legitimo detineatur impedimento, promotus ad officium Episcopi dioecesani debet canonicam suae dioecesis possessionem capere, si iam non sit consecratus Episcopus, intra quattuor mense a receptis apostolicis litteris; si iam sit consecratus, intra duos menses ab iidem receptis. § 3. Canonicam dioecesis possessionem capit Episcopus simul ac in ipsa dioecesi, per se vel per procuratorem, apostolicas litteras collegio consultorum ostenderit, praesente curiae cancellario, qui rem in acta referat, aut, in dioecesibus noviter erectis, simul ac clero populoque in ecclesia cathedrali praesenti earundem litterarum communicationem procuraverit, presbytero inter praesentes seniore in acta referente. § 4. Valde commendatur ut captio canonicae possessionis cum actu liturgico in ecclesia cathedrali fiat, clero et populo adstantibus. 如果你不懂拉丁文,可以请教懂的,或者小修,但别在这里胡搅蛮缠。
§3. A bishop takes canonical possession of a diocese when he personally or through a proxy has shown the apostolic letter in the same diocese to the college of consultors in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who records the event. In newly erected dioceses, he takes canonical possession when he has seen to the communication of the same letter to the clergy and people present in the cathedral church, with the senior presbyter among those present recording the event. §4. It is strongly recommended that the taking of canonical possession be done within a liturgical act in the cathedral church with the clergy and people gathered together. |