张怀阳 发表于 2013-3-19 20:12 
你也太亲日了,估计你肯定不看抗日类别的电视剧。周总理是否说过那话有争议,但是确实当初为了建交,中方做 ...
岛屿主权争议,各国历来有之,其中最有影响力的,当属美国和荷兰向海牙国际法院申请仲裁的Palmas岛 主权争夺案例。 此判例决定了岛屿主权争议的三条重要原则: Firstly, title based on contiguity has no standing in international law. Secondly, title by discovery is only an inchoate title. Finally, if another sovereign begins to exercise continuous and actual sovereignty, (and the arbitrator required that the claim had to be open and public and with good title), and the discoverer does not contest this claim, the claim by the sovereign that exercises authority is greater than a title based on mere discovery.
第一,邻接并不构成国际法上之准据。 第二,先发现只能算是早期权利(inchoate title)。 第三,如果另一主权国先行实施持续且有效的之主权支配,而发现国并未提出抗议,则实效支配国之主张优 先于单纯发现国。