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发表于 2015-6-10 14:56:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



1.欺骗: 撒旦最成功的手段. 牠使用的这个手段后果极其严重.
2.怀疑: 使你们对天主的圣言和祂的美善提出质疑.
3. 沮丧泄气: 使你们关注自己的问题,而不是天主.
4. 偏离目标使错误的事情看上去有吸引力,因此你们更多地选择了它们,超过了正确的事情。
5. 失败:使你们感到自己是个失败者,因此你们甚至不想再努力,尝试。
6. 拖延:使你们推迟处理该做的事,以致此事不可能开始也不能完成。
  ……   生活实用圣经的部分章节。
Six Effective Tools Used by Satan to Defeat you
  Satan is a cunningadversary and knows just what it takes to destroy our hopes, happiness and ourneed for God. He uses knowledge that spans time and eternity to use against uswhile we only have a limited amount of years on this earth to learn about him.Our short life span put up against Satan's amassed knowledge makes us illequipped against this mighty enemy. But be not afraid, because God's Scripturesare the weapons we  use against thisardent foe, whose only goal is to defeat your life.
Deception: Satan's most successful tool.  He wields this tool with devastating results.
Doubt: Makes youquestion God's word and his goodness.
Discouragement: Makes youlook at your problems rather than God.
Diversion: Makes thewrong things seem attractive so you want them more than the right things.      
Defeat: Makes you feel like a failure so you don't even try.
Delay: Makes youput off something so it never gets started or completed.
---- Some portions courtesy of the Life Application Bible.


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