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发表于 2013-12-10 18:24:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-12-10 18:32 编辑


神视者马科斯Marcos Tadeu1977212日出生在巴西圣保罗州
the state ofSP,BRAZIL雅卡雷伊市(Jacarei当显现开始时,他才13岁。


(至圣玛利亚):“我可爱的孩子们,今天是第13日,这个月的其中一天,我请求你们用祈祷,牺牲,克己和特殊的默想向我做奉献,我再次来邀请你们做献给上主的‘爱的玄义玫瑰’。要做献给上主的‘爱的玄义玫瑰’,就要向祂的爱敞开你们的心,让祂的爱进入你们的心里,让你们的灵魂真正与天主的爱相遇。因此,要摒弃所有的罪恶,摒弃你们所有的罪恶的依恋(附属物),以便你们能够真正与天主相遇,这样天主才能够接近你们。 如果你们向天主敞开你们的心,祂愿意进入,并且将在你们的心里行爱与和平的大奇迹。那么,你们必将充满天主的爱,无论你们走到哪里,都将播撒这种爱。 做‘爱的玄义玫瑰’,过热切的祈祷生活,用你们的心祈祷,并将你们完整的心交给天主。要遵照我在(意大利)蒙蒂基亚里,在法蒂玛,一直到这里——雅卡雷伊市的显现给你们的所有讯息去生活。实践了我的讯息——我所有的显现的讯息,你们将能够从我的心里拔出很多痛苦的剑——这些剑是很多人和世人时时刻刻刺入我心里的,没有人将它们拔出来。然后,我的无玷圣心将在你们内完成它的爱的计划,我的心将不仅在你们内而且在全世界获得胜利。 要多默想我在(意大利)蒙蒂基亚里给我的小女儿裴瑞娜的讯息;多行爱天主的善举;要为我的计划的落实和完成多诵念玫瑰经。 我怀着爱降福你们每一个人;降福所有每天在这里同我的小孩子马科斯一起完成这十三日敬礼的人;为你们今天完成的这十三日敬礼,并奉献给我为了众多灵魂的得救,现在从我的心里降下大量的祝福和恩宠。 我要格外降福你,马科斯——最服从也最努力的孩子,和所有我全心所爱的;我现在降福来自(法国)露德,来自(意大利)蒙蒂基亚里和来自(巴西)雅卡雷伊市的孩子们。” (马科斯):“不久见。”

Marcos Tadeu, the seer,was born on February 12, 1977 in Jacarei,and was only 13 years old when the apparitions started. He is a humble, poorand simple boy. Before these appearances, he had known to pray only Our Fatherand Hail Mary. He was praying these prayers when Our Lady appeared for thefirst time inside a Church of Immaculate Conception in Jacarei's city. The first meesage was:
"-My child, mychild! It is necessary to sanctify. The sanctity is a difficult way,'s end is real and glorious."
His mission given by Our Lady is introduce to the world all of appearancesof Her that were forgotten and pursued besides to publish Her Grace and Mercygiven in Jacarei Appearances: The Holy Peace Medal, The Gray Escapulary,Peace's hour, Saint Joseph's hour, The Holy Spirit hour, 'Setena'′, ′Trezena',all of prayers taught in Jacarei appearances and mainly The meditated Rosarywhich has been recording by Marcos Tadeu and contains before each mystery amessage by Our Lady given around the world. Our Lady says that anybody hadnever done a Rosary like this before and says this Rosary is what pleases herImmaculate Heart.
He has had daily apparitions since March 06, 1993, and Our Lady confidedto him 12 secrets and She will reveal more one to complete the 13 secrets tohumanity, but Marcos Tadeu can't reveal them without Our Lady's permission.

(Most Holy Mary): “My belovedchildren, today, the 13th, one of the days of the month that I asked you toconsecrate to Me, with prayers, sacrifices, renunciations, special meditations,I come again to invite ye to be mystical roses of love for the Lord.Be mystical roses of Love for theLord, opening your heart for His Love, allowing His Love enter in your heart,allowing your soul to have a true encounter with God’s Love, therefore,renounce all sin, renounce all your sinful attachments, in order that ye maytruly have an encounter with God, so that God may approach ye.If ye open your heart to God, He willenter and will perform great wonders of Love and Peace in your heart. Ye thenshall be filled with divine love, and you will sprinkle this love wherever yego.Be mystical roses of love, living anintense life of prayer, praying with your heart and giving God all your heart.Comply with all the Messages that I gave ye in Montichiari, in Fatima until making it Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí.Meeting My Messages, the Messages of all My Apparitions, you will be pullingout of My Heart many painful swords that the souls and that the world drivesinto Me at every moment without having anyone to take them out. Then MyImmaculate Heart will perform in ye its Plan of Love and My Heart will triumphin ye and in the whole world.Meditate more on the Messages that Igave in Montichiari to My little daughter Pierina Gilli, perform more acts oflove to God, pray more Rosaries for the carrying out and completion of the MyPlans.To everyone, I bless with love, toeveryone who completed this Trezena along with My little child Marcos Here,everyday, upon ye now descends a great shower of blessings and graces from MyHeart for this Trezena that you finish today and offer Me for the salvation ofso many souls. And I also bless, especially youMarcos, the most obedient and striving of My children and to all of ye whom Ilove with all My Heart, I bless now from Lourdes,from Montichiari and from Jacareí.” (Marcos): “See You soon.”



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发表于 2013-12-11 10:18:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-11 10:46:41 | 显示全部楼层
石子 发表于 2013-12-11 10:18
时光真的很宝贵、我们怎可在白白的浪费时光呢。赞美天主!阿肋路亚!赞美圣母玛利亚! ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-11 17:56:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-12-11 19:22 编辑


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