2013/02/10 17:37
 梵蒂冈城(亚洲新闻)- 教宗本笃十六世说:「传扬福音要有勇气、信心和活力,不应受失败和困难所障碍。我们必须怀着信德撒网;主会做其余的。」在《三钟经》之前,教宗描述今天的福音,即西满「奇迹捕鱼」,他遵照耶稣的话抛网进革乃撒勒湖。 在今早圣母祈祷中,教宗向聚集在圣伯多禄广场的二万名朝圣者,分享他的思想,教宗提及农历新年和世界病人日两个庆节。他说:「今天在远东地区,多个民族庆祝农历新年。他们在喜庆日子中,祈求和平、和谐和感谢天恩等普世价值。每个人都希望建立家庭、社会和民族。我希望这些民族幸福和生活富足,愿望得到满全。我更特别祝福这些国家的天主教徒,愿他们在信德年获得基督的智慧引导。」
教宗说:「明天是庆祝露德圣母的瞻礼,也是世界特别记得病人的日子。」在巴伐利亚圣母大殿,将有隆重的庆祝活动。我送上祈祷和关心,我特别祝福患病的人,尤其是那些前来这里一起祈祷的病弱者。 之前,当教宗谈到捕鱼的奇迹故事的意义时,他指出,故事体现了天主的召叫,这不是指向选民的素质,而是他们的信仰,正如西满说「老师,我们已整夜劳苦,亳无所获;但我要遵照你的话撒网。」 「伯多禄的经验,是非常独特的,他代表了每位使徒的福音召叫,在宣讲福音方面,他绝不会气馁,直到世界的终结。然而,今天的福音,是一篇对司铎圣召和献身生活的反省训诲。召叫是天主的事,不是人的工作;是回应神圣的召唤。若有天主的召叫,人不应惧怕自己的弱点。我们必须对主的力量有信心,祂要求我们神贫。我们必须交托在祂的怜悯,以改变和更新生命。」【妮译】 -------------------------------------
02/10/2013 13:30
Failures and difficulties should not discourage from announcing the Gospel, pope says
In today's Angelus, Benedict commented the evangelical story about the "miraculous catch of fish", saying that "we must throw the nets with faith; the Lord will do the rest." Noting that today is Chinese New Year, he sent his greetings of "happy and prosperous life". Tomorrow is World Day of the Sick.
Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Failures and difficulties should not discourage" announcing the Gospel with "courage, confidence and élan," said Benedict XVI. "We must throw the nets with faith; the Lord will do the rest," he said commenting, before the Angelus, what is described in today's Gospel, namely Simon's "miraculous catch of fish" who "based on the words" of Jesus threw his nets into Lake Kinneret.
In his address to the 20,000 people gathered in St Peter's Square for the Marian prayer, the pope mentioned two dates, Chinese New Year and the World Day of the Sick. "Today," he said, "various peoples in the Far East celebrate the lunar New Year. Peace, harmony and giving thanks to Heaven are universal values celebrated on this happy occasion. Everyone wants them in order to build their own family, society and nation. I wish these peoples that their aspiration for a happy and prosperous life be fulfilled. A special greeting goes to the Catholics of these countries, that they may be guided by Christ's wisdom in this Year of Faith."
"Tomorrow, the liturgical memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes, will also be the World Day of the Sick," the pontiff said. "A solemn celebration will take place at the Marian shrine of Altötting, Bavaria. With my prayer and affection, I am close to all those who are ill and I spiritually join all those who will gather at this shrine, which is particularly dear to me."
Earlier, as he spoke about the evangelical episode of the "miraculous catch of fish", the pope noted that it "embodies God's calling, which is not about the quality of the elect, but of their faith, like that of Simon who said 'at your command I will lower the nets,' an image that encapsulates the Church's mission."
"Peter's experience, which was certainly unique, is also representative of each apostle's Gospel calling. He could never be discouraged in announcing Christ to all men, until the ends of the world. However, today's text is a reflection on the priestly vocation and consecrated life. This is God's work. Man is not the author of his own vocation, which is the response to a divine call. Human weakness should not be afraid if God calls. We must have confidence in his strength, which acts on our poverty. We must always rely more on the power of his mercy, which transforms and renews."