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发表于 2011-7-14 08:11:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Beijing defends illegal ordinations

A government spokesman said “Patriotic Catholics do not recognise the Pope’s administrative authority. This shows religious freedom does exist in China”vatican insider staff
rome The Chinese patriotic Catholic Association does not recognise the Pope’s administrative authority. This, according to Spanish news agency Efe, was the declaration made by Hong Lei, a spokesman for Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during a press conference which took place today.
Hong Lei defended ordinations of bishops that have taken place recently without consensus from the Vatican, explaining that the Chinese patriotic Catholic Association, acts in accordance with decades of tradition and with the principle of independence and home rule”.

Hong Lei added that when the Association elects and ordains bishops, it exercises religious freedom. “This – he observed – demonstrates that religious freedom does exist in China. In this way we ensure the growth of Catholicism in China and any criticism or accusation has no basis”. The Spanish agency reported that when asked about the arrest and disappearance of four bishops, the official replied tersely: “I haven’t had any news”.
Meanwhile, a Hong Kong newspaper attributes the confirmation of the intentions to ordain Huang Bingzhang as the new bishop of Canton on July 14, to the patriotic Association. 7 missing bishops including the 4 already mentioned are supposed to be attending the ceremony. Liu Bainian, honorary President of the Association declared: “We do not know how the Vatican will react to the appointment of Huang and of the other 40 bishops that are yet to be ordained in order to spread the Gospel throughout China. Let us hope it will agree to these.” “These bishops are spiritually loyal to the Pope but when it comes to politics they are on China’s side” Liu Bainian commented.
In the meantime, today, the Vatican Radio wrote: “Victims to strong pressure to be present at an illegal Episcopal ordination. There are some bishops, particularly from the region of Guangdong, who are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church whom - according to Chinese news – the authorities wish to pressure into attending an Episcopal ordination due to take place on 14 July, after bishops refused to participate. The authorities’ decision has brought about a wave of solidarity from priests and local Catholics, who have sided with their bishops in resistance. This latest occurrence takes us back to the recent illegitimate Episcopal ordination of Paul Lei Shiyin, of the diocese of Leshan, which was celebrated last 29 June. In a Declaration published on 4 July, the Holy See defined the ordination as illegitimate and a source of division for the Church and spoke of how the news had aroused a great sense of bitterness in Benedict XVI, who – the note concluded – had wanted to reach out to “China’s beloved faithful, with a message of encouragement and hope, inviting them to pray and to stay united”.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 12:41:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-7-14 17:23:35 | 显示全部楼层



洪磊说,协会选出并ordains主教时,行使宗教自由。 “这 - 他观察 - 表明,宗教信仰自由在中国确实存在。这样,我们确保天主教在中国的增长,任何批评或指责没有依据“。西班牙通讯社报道时,要求逮捕和失踪四位主教,官方的回答简洁:“我还没有任何消息”。
与此同时,香港一家报纸属性的意图确认为广东的新主教祝圣于7月14日,黄秉章,爱国会。包括已经提到的4 7人失踪主教应该是出席仪式。刘柏年,该协会的名誉主席宣布:“我们不知道梵蒂冈将如何作出反应,任​​命黄和其他40主教,尚未被祝圣,以福音传遍中国。我们希望,它会同意这些。“这些主教是精神上忠于教皇但是,当谈到他们在中国一边的政治”刘柏评论。
与此同时,今天,梵蒂冈电台说:“目前在非法祝圣的强大压力的受害者。从广东地区,特别是有一些主教,罗马天主教教会的人与共融 - 中国新闻 - 当局希望压力成出席7月14日举行祝圣主教拒绝后参加。当局的决定带来了一个团结与抵抗他们的主教片面的祭司和当地的天主教徒,波。这个最新出现把我们带回到最近的非法祝圣保雷世银,乐山教区,这是去年6月29日庆祝。在7月4日发表了一份宣言,罗马教廷定义为非法的和一个教会的来源划分的协调和发言的消息,引起了如何在本笃十六世,谁的苦涩感 - 注意结论 - 本来想“中国心爱的忠实,鼓励和希望的消息,邀请他们祈祷,并保持团结”。
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发表于 2011-7-14 17:50:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-7-14 17:53:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-7-19 18:15:57 | 显示全部楼层
问题是【语言】的高妙,比如【爱国】【独立自主】【自选自圣】【不受任何外国势力干涉】没有错,这也正是教会,教友坚持的。但是,现在的【实质】是什么!!?它的实质是【爱某集团于 天主之上】,你教会将【被独立自主,将被自选自圣】一切被领导,控制,教会成为木偶戏团。这个【自】是【他自己】绝不是教会自己。教会被控制还要表现出欢欣鼓舞,【甘心情愿】。这可能就是刘先生的价值。【任何外国势力】就是指宗座,教宗;就是中国【地方】天主教会,不得与普世教会有联系,成为【独立的肢体】,变为让洋鬼子看的花瓶,和谐社会的奇葩。本质是让天主教教会成为一个虚有其名,而无其实的。。。【工具】,木偶。不如搞个什么爱党教,拜天教敬地教更为事半功倍。
至于【合泥派】的出发点,可能是担心中国教会教友的人性 的   软弱。比方,你的兄弟姐妹被绑架了,你该怎么谈判!?所以,不必埋怨,只可彼此探讨。
这个网站有些文章,跟帖,肆意攻击谩骂教会教友,大家不要生气,更不必删除,他不是来发表意见,彼此交流的,它是有来头的,不是简单的五毛,但是 天主的公义必然彰显。虽然教会软弱无能,是一个【十字架】的教会,但是日本鬼子,斯大林的刺刀必然解体,灭亡。天主教会必然会继续存在,传扬,除非【文明】完全被消灭。文明若是消灭,人类必也就消失了。最后审判也就来临。
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