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默主歌耶讯息 2014-4-2

发表于 2014-4-5 20:46:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 JOHN.h 于 2014-4-5 20:48 编辑

默主歌耶讯息 2014-4-2亲爱的孩子们,我以母亲的爱渴望帮助你们度祈祷和补赎的生活,好能真诚地努力更加走近我的圣子和祂的神光——这样,你们就会懂得如何与罪恶划清界限。每诵念一端经文,每参与一台弥撒和每守一次斋戒的努力都使你们更加走近我的圣子,是对祂的光荣的一次回忆和对罪恶的一次回避——这是那位好父亲和祂的子女们重聚的一个方式。因此,我亲爱的孩子们,要敞开你们的心,充满爱,大声呼求天父的圣名,祂将以圣神启迪你们.经由圣神,你们将成为天主的爱的泉源.所有不认识我的圣子的人,所有渴望我的圣子的爱与和平的人将饮这泉水.谢谢你们.为你们的牧者祈祷吧.我为他们祈祷,我渴望他们会感受到我这位母亲的手的祝福和我这位母亲的心的援助.

Our Lady's April 02, 2014 Message to Mirjana"Dear children, with a motherly love I desire to help you with your life of prayer and penance to be a sincere attempt at drawing closer to my Son and His divine light - that you may know how to separate yourselves from sin. Every prayer, every Mass and every fasting is an attempt at drawing closer to my Son, a reminder of His glory and a refuge from sin - it is a way to a renewed union of the good Father and His children. Therefore, my dear children, with hearts open and full of love, cry out the name of the Heavenly Father that He may illuminate you with the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit you will become a spring of God's love. All those who do not know my Son, all those thirsting for the love and peace of my Son, will drink from this spring. Thank you. Pray for your shepherds. I pray for them and I desire that they may always feel the blessing of my motherly hands and the support of my motherly heart."


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