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发表于 2013-7-16 16:28:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. 下次如果你觉得自己了不起时,试试在水面上步行。
2. 当魔鬼提醒你的过去时,请提醒牠的未来。
3. 你不是幸运,而是蒙福。
4. 你若要真正活于天主,就得先要死于自我。
5. 机会也许只敲一次门,但试探却总是在按门铃。
6. 我们常在坚强时,忘记了天主。
7. 那些只在主日呼唤「天父」的人,在一星期余下的日子里活得像孤儿。
8. 不要唯我独尊,要以主为尊。
9. 没有基督,没有平安;找到基督,找到平安。
10. 为什么我们不会向朋友提起天主?因为我们不会向天主提起我们的朋友。
11. 当把你的一切献给天主,因为祂把祂的一切都给了你。
12. 你现在所追求的,值得基督为它死吗?
13. 使你向天主靠近的人,是你真正的朋友。
14. 天主爱我们,不是因为我们是怎样的一个人,而是因为祂是怎样的一位天主。
15. 天主的应许像夜空里的星星。夜越深,星星的光芒越亮。
16. 没有基督的生命,是无止的绝望。有基督的生命,是无尽的盼望。
17. 我虽不知道明天会怎样,但我知道谁掌管着明天。
18. 把你的重担交给天主,让它留在天主那里。
19. 不要害怕明天,因为天主已在那里。
20. 当你除了天主,一无所有时,你将知道天主使你一无所缺。
21. 一切交托在天主手中,别再向天主苦诉你生命的波涛有多汹涌,当向汹涌的波涛宣述你的天主有多伟大。
22. 能够满足人心的,是缔造人心的那一位。
23. 请常常让你的光从心中照耀,因为你不知道,谁会借着这光走出黑暗。
24. 当我们只顾工作的时候,我们独自工作;当我们祈祷的时候,天主工作。
25. 天主无处不在,所以我们可以随处祷告。
26. 一个没有需要的人永远见不到天主的奇迹。
27. 钦崇天主提醒我们生命的价值,但世界却不断使我们忘记它。
28. 步履维艰的时候,别只顾祈祷而忘记走上天主要你走的路。
29. 祈祷会为我们作很多事,忧虑会对我们作很多事。
 *   *   *   *   *
Twenty-nine very useful reminders forChristians
1. Next time when you think you areterrific, try walking on water.
2. When the devil reminds you of your past,remind him of his future.
3. You are not lucky, you are blessed.
4. If you really want to live, you must gothrough the experience of death first.
5. Opportunitymay only knock once, but temptation is always at the door bell.
6. When we are strong, we often forget God.
7. Those who call out for “Heavenly Father”only on Sunday live like orphans the rest of the week.
8. Do not be self-centered, beChrist-centered.
9. No Christ, no peace; know Christ, knowpeace.
10. Why we don't mention God to ourfriends? Because we don't mention our friends to God.
11. Dedicate everything you have to Godbecause He has given you everything He has.
12. Is what you are after worth the deathof Jesus Christ?
13. Those who make you get close to God areyour real friends.
14. God loves us not because of what we arebut because of what He is.
15. God's promise is like stars in the darkof night. The darker the night, the brighter the stars.
16. Life without Jesus is hopelessnesswithout end. Life with Jesus is hopefulness without end.
17. Although I don't know what future willbring, I do know who rules the future.
18. Leave your heavy burden with God andlet it stay there.
19. Don't be afraid of tomorrow because Godis already there.
20. When you are left with nothing but God,you will know that God is all you need.
21. Let go and trust everything to Him.Don't ever tell God again your life's storms, but tell the storms about thegreatness of God.
22. The one who can satisfy what our heartsdesire is the one who created our hearts.
23. Always keep the light in your heartburning because you don't know who will need it to walk out of the darkness.
24. When our attention is directed only toour work, we work alone; when we pray God goes to work.
25. God is omnipresent, so we can pray anywhere.
26. A person without any need will never beable to see God's miracles.
27. Worshiping helps remind us of ourlife's worth, but the world keeps making us forget that.
28. When the going gets tough, don't justpray and forget to follow the path God has directed us to.
29. Praying can do many things for us,worrying can do many things to us.


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发表于 2013-7-17 00:11:48 | 显示全部楼层
2. 当魔鬼提醒你的过去时,请提醒牠的未来。
10. 为什么我们不会向朋友提起天主?因为我们不会向天主提起我们的朋友。
19. 不要害怕明天,因为天主已在那里。
21. 一切交托在天主手中,别再向天主苦诉你生命的波涛有多汹涌,当向汹涌的波涛宣述你的天主有多伟大。
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发表于 2013-7-17 12:11:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-17 12:14:50 | 显示全部楼层
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