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发表于 2013-1-25 09:28:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-1-25 09:40 编辑


As you come tohave knowledge of The Mysteries,
you will realize, possibly for the first time,
what a treasure the Mother of God gave us
about 750 years ago through St. Dominic.
Because it has sooften in the past revitalized
the spirituality of people from every walk of life,
clergy, religious, laity - young, middle aged, elderly,
many are now turning again to Our Lady
for help through the Holy Rosary.
Because of it,everyone's faith becomes more vital,
alive - and fruitful.
Through the promotionof the Holy Rosary
all can make their spare time invaluable
to help save Souls, our Youth, Country and Church.
With a historyreplete with victory after victory,
and now in our times, should we then have anything
but full trust and confidence in it?
Starting today, makea sincere, honest, even heroic effort so this "Heaven scent," mostpowerful weapon
for saving souls and to obtain peace
can become known to all sincere Christians everywhere.
Can you think ofanything that you could do
that would be more important!!!
Once committed tomemory,
the Mysteries of the Rosary will serve as a daily, scripturally based study ofevents
in the lives of Our Lord and His Mother.
Sincere effort andpious reading will further serve
to enhance your meditation upon these events.
You mayalso wish to remember that the Rosary is a gift from the World's GreatestMother,
the Person who knew Our Lord better than anyone who ever lived on earth.


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