St.Michael 发表于 2013-4-19 15:00:07


本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-4-19 15:03 编辑

“你们只有两种最终的命运:天堂和地狱。要知道,撒旦将努力使你们消除牠的王国——地狱存在的真实性。如果你们把它的存在看做是一件荒唐可笑的事,牠就会欺骗你们,唆使你们去犯罪,并将光明的圣神从你们内赶走。如果你们赶走了光明的圣神,你们就赶走了天堂的至高者天主——你们的天父的王国里的永生。”——玫瑰圣母,1975年2月1日于纽约 “我的孩子,如果你们痛悔,改变你们不良的生活方式,你们将被天主的王国重新接纳。没有人会坠入地狱,除非他走这条路是出于自愿。”——圣母,1975年2月10日于纽约 “我的孩子们,我的谦卑的小孩子们,作为你们的母亲我恳求你们,要走出去,敲门;把光带给你们的兄弟姐妹们。凡是得到了丰富恩宠者,我对他们有很多的期望。”——玫瑰圣母,1976年5月26日于纽约 “我的孩子们,作为末世的使徒,我对你们的希求很多,但是我向你们保证:你们在信德和仁爱内所付出的一切必将得到三倍的回报。”——耶稣,1978年6月1日于纽约 "You have but two final destinies: Heaven and hell. Know that satan will try to remove the reality of the existence of his kingdom, hell, from you. If he makes a farce of his existence among you, he will deceive you so that you will sin and remove yourselves from the Spirit oflight. And when you remove yourselves from the Spirit of light, you remove yourselves from eternal life in the Kingdom of your Father, the most high Godin Heaven." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 1,1975 "Repent of your ways, and you will be accepted back into the Kingdom. No man shall fall into hell unless he has gone this way of his own free will, My child." - Our Lady, February 10, 1975 "My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.For those who have been given great grace,much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,May 26, 1976 "As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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